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Drafting Wooden Boat Plans

Drafting Wooden Boat Plans

Drafting Wooden Boat Plans

Almost anyone can create and draw up a small wooden boat plan if they have the willingness to learn and a a little perseverance.

You only need a few tools to get started, a couple of good mechanical pencils, an eraser, aand some heavy-duty cartridge paper.

Also something to help you draw lines and shapes like a long straight edge, a ruler, and a T-square, probably no more than 10 inches on a side. These tools may seem like enough, but they are really all you need to get started.

A question that always pops up about now is how do I draw a curve?

With some of that perseverance it really is easy to draw proper curves, but you may need to erase and redraw frequently to get them just right. You can start with a simple profile of the boat, and begin thinking about the length you want the craft to be.

Once you have the profile and hte length you can start on the overhead view of the boat. Some woodedboat plans can get a bit more complex when you get to this point as calculations must be done to ensure the end product wil actually float.

Finally you must remember that decent boat design software helps you to build the boat of your dreams.

Probably the best idea is to get some sort of 3D boat design software that is affordable, easy and flexible to use and is suitable for anyone from the hobby model boat builder to professional mass ship producers.

6 Part Mini Course

6 Part Mini Course

Boat Design 6 Part Mini Course

Learn how to design and build a boat like a pro


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